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Welcome and Council 12274
Priests and Memorial Galleries
Welcome To Greer SC Council #12274 Webpages
Our Grand Knight is Gary Sileo and our meetings are on the 3rd
Tuesday of each Month at 7:pm at Blessed Trinity Catholic Church.
Priests and Deacons of Blessed Trinity
1. Fr. Nicholas Bayard (3-18-05)Blessed Trinity Pastor
2. Fr. Louis P Kennedy (8-13-11) Parochial Administer Fall 2000
12. Fr. Gabriel Cruz
1. Fr. Nicholas Bayard (3-18-05)Blessed Trinity Pastor
Knights and/or Wives That have Passed Away
1. Peter J. McCord (7-21-99) and Ann McCord
2. Pat and Bill (8-22-2007) Roberts
21. Maj. Eugene Dobbins (Ret) (1-13-23)
1. Peter J. McCord (7-21-99) and Ann McCord
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