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Prayer Requests \ Officers 2023-2024

Prayer Requests


2/24/23  Phil Sesny passed away today.  Keep Tony Sesny in you prayers.

1 /13/23  Eugene Dobbins passed away today.

4/20/22  Mark Sitter passed away today.

12 2 22  Donna Sesny passed away today.  Keep Tony and his family in your prayers.

4/6/21  Harry Demary  passed away today.  Keep his family in your prayers.

12/5/20  Phil Biancini passed away today.  Keep Maureen and her family in your prayers.

8/20/20  Gary Kennedy Sr. passed away today.  Keep Ruth and her family in your prayers.

10/10/19 Jim Slicker passed away today.  Keep his wife Marjorie in your prayers.

10/19/19 Dan Baldauf passed away today.  Keep his wife Lana in your prayers.

8/17/19  Joe Traecy passed away today.  Keep his wife Jean in your prayers.

5/9/19  Bill Wynn passed away from cancer today.  Keep his wife Joanie in your prayers.
11/11/18 Keep Leonida Walczak our Deacon's  wife in your prayers.  She passed away on Sunday 11/11/18 10/07/18 Keep Sylvia Semones in your prayers She is going through tests.

2/8/18  Clair Paul weak from infections

12/13/17 Phil Bianchini  Bone Cancer

12/1 Fred Tucker (died 12 11 17)

6/14/16  Keep Cindy Miller in your prayers - she is Pellam Village Hospital 6/12/16 John Heberger's brother Jim passed away Sunday morning in Rochester, NY.

6/4/16  Deacon Gary's wife is in need of our prayer's.  Our Deacon has retired to stay home with his wife.

5/16/16 Update Don's Wife Carol passed away - Funeral Mass on June 11th. 5/4/16  Don's wife Carol is in CCU on a respirator with pneumonia and may have had a mild heart attack.

4/20 Ray LeBlanc has had a stroke last week and has blindness on the left side of each eye and no peripheral vision

4/20  Ruth Kennedy's Husband Gary had a stroke and has weakness on his left side and is going through re-habilitation

4/20 Nick's wife Helen Gerich on a respirator. 4/23 Update Helen died - keep Nick and Helen in your prayers.

1/1/16  Nick's wife Helen Gerich is in the   hospital with atrial fibrillation. Please keep her in your prayers.

12/29/15 Patrick Boasi has advanced  colorectal cancer and was operated on.

12/7/15  Peter Pasienza's Son  Very Ill

8/16/15  Peter Pasienza In Hospital

9/17/14  Harry Demory's Hip Operation

8/24 2013  Jim Heberger/John Heberger's                  Brother

8/17/ 2013 George Carpenter RIP

8/16 Elmo Neal

8/7 Ray LeBlanc

7/30 Michael Semones

7/24 Jack VanDenMeiracker RIP and all the families

7/21 Ed Godleske RIP and his family 8/23/12 Melissa Boasi RIP and for her family.

7/19 Deacon Gary for his back and his wife Anita who is passing out.

6/16 Residents of the Manning House assisted living including Frederka Easton

6/15 Ken and Tilley McNaughton in hopes that she is able to walk again soon and Ken's Arm heals.

6/14 Meghan Kamon daughter of Leo Kamon recover from auto accident.

Fred Tucker's Grandson needs your prayers.


Officers 2023-2024

Grand Knight: Dan Sileo

Financial Secretary: Gary Beisser

Deputy Grand Knight: Ricardo Bernardino

Chancellor: Chris Firth

Recorder: John Heberger

Treasurer: Mike Sandelich

Advocate: John McCollum

Warden: Uriel Bernardino

Inside Guard: Ken Piatak

Outside Guard: Edgar Gonzalez

One Year Trustee: Dr. John Fernandes

Two Year Trustee: John Schafer

Three Year Trustee: Chris Firth

Chaplain: Fr. Gabriel Cruz

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